Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We are a household of superheros this season.... hoping we stay super healthy through the winter months!

Mallory eating pretzels...she mostly just mashes them up and spits them out just in time to put the goo in her is just lovely! We did have a nutrition appointment yesterday and she gained weight! Up to 16 lbs. 6.5 oz., that is over a pound in a month! Finally!

Kate at Johnson Farms hiding in the ship...I love the face she is giving my mom; it is so her.

Jack at Johnson Farms, he looks so old in this photo!

The three super heros...Spiderman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl.


The Lunds said...

awesome! And, way to go Super Mom on Miss M's weight gain!!

ERICA said...

OMG...Miles weighs a pound less than Mallory does. He's like a mini sumo-wrestler or something.

Marie Hooker said...

Love the super family!!!!!!!