Monday, February 8, 2010

Long Absence!

Sorry, I have really, REALLY slacked on the updates. We are in the midst of trying to sell our house and all energy has been focused on projects...and let me tell you there is not much energy to be spoken of! Jack is doing fabulous...some brief moments of the terrible twos to come, but overall is doing well. Here are a couple of videos from my new flip video showing what crazy stuff is going on around our house!


The Lunds said...

yay flip! yay blogging! yay house on the market! (looks great ...)

Jules said...

Love the first video where Jack ignores all of the sounds on the see-n-say and wants to jump to the song - HILARIOUS!

Marie Hooker said...

Who is the little green man in his food? That made me laugh- too cute!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see Jack and all of you this spring. In the snow pic, Jack looks like an astronaut on the moon! What a sweetie! Kathie