Tuesday, October 5, 2010

6 Months!

Two posts in one week! Amazing! Well we are officially at the 1/2 year mark with these pumpkins and I think have all adjusted pretty well. Went to the Pediatrician today for 6 month check-ups which included immunizations and flu shots. After a few tears the girls acted like nothing traumatic had occurred; they definitely take after their big brother who has always done amazingly well with Dr. visits and shots. Kate: 12lbs 2.8oz (<3%) 24.5inches (10%) and Mallory: 9lbs 15.8oz(<3%) 23.5inches (<3%)

Overall the appointment went well, just planning on fortifying the girls breastmilk/formula.

Here are some cute photos of Jack playing at the park, mowing the grass with Tom and overall just being cute.

The girls are getting to be so fun and interactive. On that note I have been putting them in their Johnny Jump-ups and they love to bounce around. Yesterday they each fell asleep in the jumpers, Kate in the morning and Mallory in the afternoon....they really are gorgeous, no bias here!


ERICA said...

Man, how time flies! I can't believe they're already 6 months. (Or that mine is 12...) They're gorgeous. Kate looks just like Tom.

The Lunds said...

Sweet girls! (and boy!)

Marie Hooker said...

They are little people now! It is amazing how time flies...

Christina Dougherty said...

bahhhhh i want to be there!!!!!